УДК 93/94.(908)



Organization and Execution of Zemstvo Statistical Works in the Middle Volga Region

Lyovin S. V.



Introduction. Zemstvo statistics was an important, integral part of the Zemstvo self-government, focused on solving not only economic, but also cultural and educational tasks. Their successful performance largely depended on the work of the statistical service. This circumstance attached special significance to the activities of the Zemstvo statistical departments. The article discusses the process of formation and development of Zemstvo statistics in the Middle Volga region.

Materials and methods. The study is based on a wide range of archival and printed sources. It is based on the scientific principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency. The author productively applied systemic and comparative methods, as well as the method of content analysis. Their use contributed to the successful implementation of the research plan.

Results and discussion. The author comes to the conclusion that in the Middle Volga region, statistical work to determine the social and economic situation of peasant farms was carried out in full, and the assessment of their land and real estate was carried out to a large extent. The data obtained were of practical importance and were in demand not only by the Zemstvo, but also by provincial authorities, government agencies, and public figures. Even today they are a valuable source on the history of Russia in the post-reform period, which is used not only by domestic, but also by foreign historians. Thus, we can say that the topic under consideration indicates new promising areas of scientific research.

Keywords: governorate, Zemstvo, peasant economy, evaluation work, census, statistics, uyezd

For citation: Lyovin SV. Organization and Execution of Zemstvo Statistical Works in the Middle Volga Region. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2023;15(1):81—91. EDN HIJIZF




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Information about the author:

Sergei V. Lyovin, professor at the Department of History, Culture and Social Development of the Moscow Region of Moscow Regional State Pedagogical University (10А Radio Str., Moscow 105005, Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5689-1349, Researcher ID: D-9029-2013, serg.lewin@yandex.ru


 Conflict of interests: the author declare no conflict of interests.


The authors has read and approved the final manuscript.


The article was submitted 26.09.2022; approved after reviewing 14.11.2022; accepted for publication 21.11.2022.