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Regions of the Russian Federation as a Third Party in the Political Crisis (April 1992 — May 1993) 

Shashonkov P. A.



Introduction. The modern history of the Russian Federation began with the constitutional crisis of 1992 — 1993. In the existing historiography on this issue, the object of study is for the most part the activities of the federal authorities of the Russian Federation. This article aims to consider the formation of a special position of the authorities of the Russian regions at the initial stage of the political crisis in Russia (April 1992 — May 1993).

Materials and methods. The study draws on the materials of the federal authorities, issues of the periodical press, memoirs of political figures of the early 1990s. The existing historiography on this issue is analyzed. The focus of the analysis of the crisis development exclusively in Moscow and the lack of interest in the situation in the Russian regions are noted. The implementation of research tasks became possible due to the use of the historical and objective principles, as well as the problem-chronological method.

Results and discussion. Using the stated source base and considering the main existing historiography on this issue, the author comes to the conclusion that the signing of the Federal Treaty did not make the regions mere executors of the will of the Center in this period. Throughout 1992 — 1993, the subjects of the Russian Federation sought to “reconcile” the people’s deputies and B. N. Yeltsin. The formation of this clear position testified that the Russian regions were a third party in the political crisis of 1992 — 1993.

Conclusion. The prospects of this study lie in a more detailed analysis of the position of each individual subject of Russia in the political crisis of 1992 — 1993. The source base for such a study can be materials from regional archives and the media, as well as memoirs of regional political figures of this period.

Keywords: regions of Russia, political crisis of 1992 — 1993, federal structure, federalism, subject of the federation

Funding: the article was prepared within the framework of the HSE Programme for Fundamental Research.

For citation: Shashonkov PA. Regions of the Russian Federation as a Third Party in the Political Crisis (April 1992 — May 1993). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2023;15(1):164—178. EDN KAJOZG




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Information about the authors:

Pavel A. Shashonkov, Research Assistan, Laboratory ‘Russia’s Regions in Histor ical Perspective’ of HSE University (21/4 (1) Staraya Basmannaya Str., Moscow 105066, Russia), shashpavel@yandex.ru


Conflict of interests: the author declare no conflict of interests.


The authors has read and approved the final manuscript.


The article was submitted 28.11.2022; approved after reviewing 24.12.2022; accepted for publication 30.12.2022.