УДК 94(47)(084).8



Original article


Agriculture’s Contribution of Mordovia to the Radical Change in the Great Patriotic War (the Second Half of 1942 — 1943)


Mitin S. V.



Introduction. The study of the functioning experience of agriculture in the conditions of a major military conflict is undoubtedly relevant. This article examines the role of the peasantry and the entire agriculture of Mordovia in the military mobilization conditions of the second and third years of the Great Patriotic War. An assessment of the role of agriculture and the heroic labor of the peasantry during the radical turning point of the war is given.

Materials and methods. To achieve the goal and study objectives, documents and archival materials of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Mordovia are used. The work is based on systematic, comparative-historical and historical-typological methods. These methods made it possible to study and analyze the activities of agriculture in Mordovia at one of the stages of the Great Patriotic War.

Results and discussion. Analysis of archival materials allowed us to conclude that as a result of selfless work, the peasantry and agriculture of Mordovia withstood the test of wartime and brought the long-awaited victory closer.

Conclusion. Thus, giving a general assessment of the functioning of agriculture in the republic in 1942 — 1943, it can be stated that the final results and qualitative indicators began to improve only by the end of 1943. In the conditions of a general shortage of workers and technical means, agriculture of Mordovia contributed to a radical change during the Great Patriotic War and to the achievement of victory.      

Keywords: collective farm, state farm, harvesting, haymaking, machine and tractor station, spring cereals, winter cereals, productivity, animal husbandry, grain deliveries

For citation: Mitin SV. Agriculture’s Contribution of Mordovia to the Radical Change in the Great Patriotic War (the Second Half of 1942 — 1943). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(1):118—127. ЕDN RDNSLE




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The article was submitted 02.10.2023; approved after reviewing 02.12.2023; accepted for publica­tion 09.12.2023.


Information about the author:

Sergey V. Mitin, Associate Professor of Department of General History, Political Science and Regional Studies of National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya  Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, mitin72@inbox.ru


Conflict of interest: the author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.