УДК 351.751(054)(470.345)



Formation of the Personnel Potential of the Glavlit of the Mordovian ASSR in 1940

Kubantseva I. A.



Introduction. The questions of the formation of personnel potential for the implementation of political censorship in the Mordovian ASSR are relevant. They require consideration, as they remain poorly studied at the regional level. Of particular importance is the study of the personnel composition of the authorized preliminary and subsequent control of the Glavlit of the Mordovian ASSR in 1940. Formed by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the imposition of political censorship obliged employees to strictly adhere to them.

Materials and methods. The main source for the study of the topic was archival documents stored in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Mordovia. Problematic-chronological, historical-comparative, quantitative methods were used to present the problems of forming personnel of the Glavlit MASSR. They made it possible to identify the features of the progressive development of the personnel potential of one of the key socio-cultural institutions of the republic.

Results and discussion. This article analyzes the personnel composition of the authorized preliminary and subsequent control of the Glavlit MASSR, the system of advanced training of censors in 1940, as well as the problems that the employees of the republican Glavlit faced when performing their tasks.

Conclusion. Party bodies were engaged in the formation of the personnel potential of the Glavlit of the Mordovian ASSR, guided by the decisions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks. Commissioners of preliminary control and political editors strove to follow the production task, to work on improving self-education.

Keywords: authorized preliminary control, political editor, printing establishments, newspaper editorial office, advanced training system for censors, censorship techniques

For citation: Kubantseva IA. Formation of the Personnel Potential of the Glavlit of the Mordovian ASSR in 1940. Bulletin of the Research Institute for the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2023;15(2):101—113. EDN KEPPDR




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The article was submitted 24.01.2023; approved after reviewing 27.02.2023; accepted for publication 01.03.2023.


Information about the author:

Irina A. Kubantseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Library Information Resources, Ogarev Mordovia State University (44/3 Polezhaeva Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Doctor of Sciences in History, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9772-9708, kubancevair@rambler.ru


Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.


The author has read and approved the final manuscript.