УДК 631.1:631.582:631.816



Original article


Agronomic and Economic Efficiency of Differentiated Application of Mineral Fertilizers in Crop Rotation Field


Artemyev А. A., Laptev I. P.



Introduction. The modern strategy of Russia's social and economic policy provides for import substitution and increasing the industry's export capabilities as a priority in the agro-industrial complex. When solving this issue, preference is given to the development of domestic resource-saving technologies. The development of this direction in agricultural science is called precision farming, the implementation of which in agricultural production requires comprehensive research on the use of chemicals and evaluation of their effectiveness.

Materials and methods. An agronomic and economic assessment of different technologies for the use of mineral fertilizers in crop rotation field was carried out at the Mordovia Research Agriculture Institute — branch of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the North-East. Three options were evaluated: control, traditional and differentiated application of fertilizers. The surveys were carried out using generally accepted methods.

Results and discussion. Different technologies for applying fertilizers had a significant impact on the productivity of crop rotation. The total harvest of grain units on average for two crop rotations in the variant with differentiated doses was higher than when applying average doses and in the control. An assessment of agronomic efficiency showed that the payback of 1 kg of active fertilizer substance with precise fertilizer application was 21.3% higher than with traditional technology. A similar pattern was observed when calculating economic efficiency, where the return on the cost of purchasing 1 kg of fertilizer with the cost of increasing the yield turned out to be higher compared to traditional use.

Conclusion. The research results provide a scientific basis for the use of differentiated doses of mineral fertilizers in the forest-steppe conditions of the Volga region. This technology makes it possible to increase the average annual productivity of crop rotation, the payback of 1 kg of the active substance of fertilizers and the payback of the cost of their acquisition.

Keywords: crop rotation productivity, differentiated doses, average doses, agronomic efficiency, economic efficiency

Funding: the research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the state assignment of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the North-East (theme FNWE-2022-0005, reg. No. 1021060407720-0).

For citation: Artemyev АA, Laptev IP. Agronomic and Economic Efficiency of Differentiated Application of Mineral Fertilizers in Crop Rotation Field. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(2):28—40. EDN BXHJT




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The article was submitted 26.03.2024; approved after reviewing 27.04.2024; accepted for publication 03.05.2024.


Information about the authors:

Andrey А. Artemyev, Leading Researcher, Head of the Coordinate Farming Laboratory, Deputy Director for scientific work of the Mordovia Research Agriculture Institute — Branch of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the North-East (5 Michurina Str., Yalga, Saransk 430904, Russia), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8759-8070, artemjevaa@yandex.ru

Ivan P. Laptev, Postgraduate Student of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-4351-7915, lapteff.van@yandex.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Artemyev A. A. — development of methodology and conduct of field research, collection of experimental data and analysis of literature, generalization and scientific editing of the text;

Laptev I. P. — generalization of experimental data and assessment of the economic efficiency of the research results.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.