УДК 904:391.7(470.51)(045)



Original article


Composite Breast Adornments in the Women’s Attire of the Middle Kama Region in the III — V Centuries Ad (A Case Study of the Burial 98B of the Dubrovsky Grave Field)


Khairullina O. F., Chernykh E. M.



Introduction. The composite and plate-decorated (jingling) adornments are an integral part of the Finno-Ugric culture. Archaeological analogues of these objects have been studied unevenly over different territories and throughout various periods of history. The same can be said about the Kama and Vyatka interfluves. The purpose of the article is to introduce into scientific discourse insufficiently studied composite (jingling) breast adornments of the Mazunino culture (III — V centuries AD). And a clear example of such a spectacular costume element is a jewel from the burial 98В of the Dubrovsky grave field.

Materials and methods. The research is based on archival documentation, publications and museum collections of Izhevsk, Sarapul and Yekaterinburg. In total, 131 adornments from 13 necropolises of the Mazunino Culture have been examined. The article uses methods of formal typology, classification and the nearest neighbor method, reconstruction and ethnographic parallels, narrow dating and cultural stratigraphy.

Results and discussion. The article presents a detailed reconstruction of the Dubrovsky compo­site adornment: beads and metal twisted pendants were fixed with leather ties at the spring and catch plate of the brooch type Ostanina 1-5. Similar jewelry is found mainly in the graves of young women. During the study, two ways of fixing pendants to brooches were identified. The first type involves the use of metal loops or special holes on the fibula shield (type 1). In another case, the decorated threads were tied to the spring, catch plate or pin of the fibula (type 2). The first way could appear under the influence of the Western (Azelino culture) traditions (?) The second type of adornments has been used throughout the existence of the Mazunio culture.

Conclusion. The Mazunino jewelry, reviewed above, is unique and distinctive, but they were made in the traditions of Finno-Ugric jingling costume attributes. Close parallels can be observed in the ethnographic culture of the Volga Finns — Mordvins and Maris.

Keywords: Early Iron Age, Early Middle Ages, Middle Kama region, Mazunino Culture, archaeological costume, female costume, breast adornments, jingling pendants

For citation: Khairullina OF, Chernykh EM. Composite Breast Adornments in the Women’s Attire of the Middle Kama Region in the III — V Centuries Ad (A Case Study of the Burial 98B of the Dubrovsky Grave Field). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(2):124— 141. EDN AJUZPM




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The article was submitted 20.03.2024; approved after reviewing 26.04.2024; accepted for publication 30.04.2024.


Information about the authors:

Olga F. Khayrullina, Expert of the Agency for the State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of Udmurt Republic (73 M. Gorky Str., Izhevsk 426051, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9976-1074, olen-bka93@bk.ru

Elizaveta M. Chernykh, Professor of Udmurt State University (1 Universitetskaya Str., Izhevsk 426034, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5800-7545, emch59@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Khairullina O. F. — concept development, literature analysis and data collection, data processing, writing the original version of the article, illustrations;

Chernykh E. M. — concept, critical analysis and scientific editing of the article.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.