УДК 821.161.1:930.1



Original article


Terms of Historical Sciences in the Artistic Work of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky


Glazkova E. V.



Introduction. The interest of Russian writers in scientific vocabulary as an artistic medium began to manifest itself clearly in the first third of the XIX century. This was primarily due to the development of science, its popularization, as well as the formation of romanticism and realism, the formation of individual authorial styles. The romantic writer A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was one of the first to turn to terminological vocabulary. With this in mind, the task of the article is to establish the functional role of the terms of historical sciences found in his prose, the techniques of their artistic reinterpretation and semantic transformation.

Materials and methods. The research material was the most famous novellas and short stories by A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. The comprehensive study of the problem was facilitated by the methods of contextual analysis implemented in the work, comparative historical and statistical.

Results and discussion. The terms of historical sciences revealed in the prose of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (64 concepts in total, with the number of uses — 134) act not only in the direct meaning, but also in a new functional role, acquiring a different semantic coloring. Sometimes they perform expressive and emotional-evaluative functions. The terminology of historical sciences is most often used by the writer for comic purposes to reveal the figurative, figurative-evaluative and characterological (when designating and characterizing a person) potential. Artistic tasks are solved by means of periphrasis, metaphor, hyperbole, comparison, pun, etc. The combination of the analyzed vocabulary with other terminology concepts is noted. All this leads to its syntagmatic and semantic modification.

Conclusion. In the works of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, the terms of historical sciences perform expressive, emotional, evaluative, and comic functions. To do this, the writer uses various techniques, using the terms to create periphrases, metaphors, hyperbole, comparisons, inventing wordplay, etc. The interaction of the analyzed vocabulary with other terminological concepts expands its syntagmatic possibilities, leading to a violation of the usual compatibility; transfer to unusual contexts causes a change in semantics.

Keywords: artwork, A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, term, term function, semantic transformation of the term

For citation: Glazkova EV. Terms of Historical Sciences in the Artistic Work of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(2):187—196. EDN APNFHC




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2. Vasiliev NL. Scientific Vocabulary in the Literary Work of A. S. Pushkin. Dis. ... Cand. of Philol. Sci. Gorky;1981. (In Russ.)

3. Vinogradov VV. Essays on the History of the Russian Literary Language of the XVII — XIX Centuries. Moscow;1938. (In Russ.)

4. Glazkova EV, Skvortsova EG. Functional and Semantic Features of the Art Vocabulary in the Artistic Work of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinskiy. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2022;(3):188—199. URL: http://vestnikniign.ru/gallery/V-3-2022-st-21.pdf (In Russ.)

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6. Glazkova EV. Thematic and Quantitative Composition of Natural Science Terminology in the Artistic Work of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Od Viy. Collection of Scientific Articles of Graduate and Doctoral Students. Saransk;2006;(2):133—135.


The article was submitted 19.12.2023; approved after reviewing 26.02.2024; accepted for publication 29.02.2024.


Information about the author:

Elena V. Glazkova, Leading Researcher, Head of the Editorial and Publishing Laboratory of the Department of Information and Analytical Support for Research of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), evg.5691@yandex.ru


Conflict of interest: the author declares no conflict of interest.


The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.