Rules for submission of the manuscripts

to the journal “Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities

by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia”


The editorial board of the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia” invites scholars, who contribute to the development of regional humanities, to collaborate.

Previously unpublished author’s articles on the following scientific specialties are accepted for publication: 07.00.02 – Russian history (historical sciences), 07.00.06 – Archeology (historical sciences), 07.00.07 – Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology (historical sciences), 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (by branches and spheres of activity) (economic sciences).


When making a manuscript of article, authors should adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

1. All manuscripts are submitted in printed (1 copy) and electronic form.


2. A letter of recommendation of the scientific supervisor, certified with the official seal of the institution at the place of work, should be submitted with the manuscript, if the author is a postgraduate student or a master student.

3. The language for all publications is Russian. All manuscripts, submitted in English, are put to translation. The authors may do it themselves and submit the Russian variant of the manuscript for publication or apply to the editors for the help with translation from English into Russian.


4. The main text of the manuscript should not exceed 40000 characters with spaces (12 – 24 pages).


5. The paper should be formatted in MS Office Word 2003 and typed one-and-a-half-spaced with Times New Roman 14-pt font. The paper size is A4 with margins: left — 3 cm, right and top — 2 cm, bottom — 2,5 cm, indention of the first line is 1,25 cm. All papers should include:

1) initials and surname of the author in Russian and in English;

2) the title of the paper in Russian and in English;

3) at the most 7 key words or brief phrases in Russian and in English;

4) abstract containing a maximum of 500 characters with spaces in Russian and in English;

5) the main text;

6) bibliographic references;

7) applications (if any);

8) information about the author.


6. Figures:

should be embedded in the electronic version of the paper in the Insert Object Drawing MS Word mode. Explications should be typed with Times New Roman 12-pt font and are inserted into the figure in the Insert mode; figures should not exceed the size of the text field, they must be mentioned in the text.


7. Formulas and letter symbols in the text:

should be formatted in MS Equation. Font for Greek letters is Symbol, for others — Times New Roman, the main point size is 14; letter symbols of the Latin and Greek alphabets should be typed in italics, as well as those of Cyrillic — in direct print; when selecting the units of measurement it is recommended to adhere to International System of Units.


8. Tables:

should be prepared in MS Word Table and typed with Times New Roman 12-pt font; may have titles, typed with lower case letters in bold Times New Roman 12-pt font; should be placed in the main text after the reference.


9. Bibliographic references:

should be typed with Times New Roman 12-pt font, surnames and initials of the authors are in bold; should be listed at the end of the paper and numbered consecutively as they are mentioned in the main text; should be prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5—2008 “Bibliograficheskaya ssylka. Bibliograficheskoe opisanie. Obschie trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya”, for example:

references to the works of up to three authors:

I n i t i a l

Yurchenkov V. A. Vzglyad so storony : Mordovskij narod i kraj v sochineniyakh zapadnoevropeiskikh avtorov VI — XVIII stoletij. Saransk, 1995. 286 s.

R e p e a t e d

Yurchenkov V. A. Vzglyad so storony. S. 25.


I n i t i a l

Nikonova L. I., Ilkaeva E. P. Rol semyi v sokhranenii etnicheskoi kultury (na primere narodov Zakavkazya, prozhivayuschikh v Respublike Mordoviya) // Etnokulturnoe i etnokonfessionalnoe obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya : materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii (9 — 11 dekabrya 2008 g.). Saransk, 2008. S. 89 — 93.

R e p e a t e d

Nikonova L. I., Ilkaeva E. P. Rol semyi v sokhranenii etnicheskoi kultury… S. 90.


I n i t i a l

Yurchenkov V. A., Kechaikina E. M., Skvortsova L. G. Organy pravoporyadka i gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti // Mordoviya v period Velikoj Otechestvennoj voiny 1941 — 1945 gg. : v 2 t. Saransk, 2005. Т. 2. S. 97 — 110.

R e p e a t e d

Yurchenkov V. A., Kechaikina E. M., Skvortsova L. G. Organy pravoporyadka… Т. 2. S. 100.


references to the works of four and more authors:

I n i t i a l

Vlast i obschestvo v XX v.: regionalnyj aspect (istoriograficheskij obzor) / V. A. Yurchenkov [i dr.] // Vlast i obschestvo: XX vek. Saransk, 2002. S. 7 — 33. (Nauch. tr. / NIIGN ; t. 1 (118)).

R e p e a t e d

Vlast i obschestvo v XX v. … S. 30.


I n i t i a l

Mordva yuga Sibiri / L. I. Nikonova [i dr.] // NII gumanitar. nauk pri Pravitestve Respubliki Mordoviya. Saransk, 2007. 312 s. (ser. “Mordva Rossii”).

R e p e a t e d

Mordva yuga Sibiri. S. 126 — 127.


When the repeated reference follows the initial one the text of the repeated reference is replaced with the words “Tam zhe” or “Ibidem”:

I n i t i a l

5 Kelina А. N. Terminologiya tkachestva v mordovskikh (mokshanskom i erzyanskom) yuazykakh : avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata filologicheskikh nauk. Saransk, 1996. S. 10.

R e p e a t e d

6 Tam zhe. or 6 Tam zhe. S. 15.


I n i t i a l

3 Mainof W. Les restes de la mythologie Mordvine // J. de la Socirtr Finno-Ougrienne. Helsingissa, 1889. Vol. 5. P. 50 — 52.

R e p e a t e d

4 Ibid. or 4 Ibid. P. 60.


In repeated references to the same work of one, two or three authors that do not follow the initial reference, the words “Ukaz. soch.”, “Tsit. soch.” or “Op. cit.” should be used, on condition that those references in the paper are made to only one work of this author (these authors):

I n i t i a l

1 Chernov А. V. Yazykovoe stroitelstvo i protsess korenizatsii v Mordovii v seredine 1920-kh — 1930-е gg. // Centr i periferiya. Saransk, 2008. № 2. S. 86.

R e p e a t e d

5 Chernov А. V. Ukaz. soch. or 5Chernov А. V. Ukaz. soch. S. 90.


I n i t i a l

2 Paasonen H. Mordwinisches Worterbuch. Helsinki, 1992. Bd. 2. S. 590.

R e p e a t e d

6 Paasonen H. Op. cit. or 6Paasonen H. Op. cit. Bd. 2. S. 600.


If references are made to different works of one author, the author’s surname and the full or shorten title of the work should be mentioned (see the rules for preparation of references to the works of up to three authors).


If the text is not referred to the original source, but to another work, the reference should be begun with the words “Tsit. po”, for example:

I n  t h e  m a i n  t e x t

In November 1919 А. G. Shlyapnikov avowed in the newspaper “Economicheskaya Zhizn”: “The factory and the plant committees... came to naught the last vestiges of discipline and, moreover, looted factory implements” 142.

I n  t h e  r e f e r e n c e

142 Tsit. po: Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii, 1917 — 1922 gg. М., 2006. S. 269.


A complex reference contains several references, separated from each other with semicolon with spaces before and after it. Each reference, included in the complex reference, should be prepared according to general rules.

In case of the complex reference includes several references to the works of the same author, his name in the second and subsequent references should be replaced with the words “Ego zhe”, “Ee zhe”, Ikh zhe”, or “Idem”, “Eadem”, “Iidem”, respectively, for example:

20 Yurchenkov V. A. Novyj mir — novye traditsii // Bloknot agitatora. Saransk, 1983. № 20. S. 19 — 21; Ego zhe. Rost obschestvenno-politicheskoj aktivnosti trudyaschegosya krestyanstva Mordovii v pervye gody Sovetskoj vlasti (1917 — 1920 gg.) // Obschestvenno-politicheskaya zhizn sela Sovetskoj Mordovii. Saransk, 1987. S. 26 — 43. (Tr. / NIIYALIE ; vyp. 87).


References to electronic resources, for example:

I n i t i a l

Latchford E. W. S Beloj Armiej po Sibiri [Electronic resource] // Vostochnyj front Armii Generala А. V. Kolchaka : site. URL: (date of access 23.08.2007).

R e p e a t e d

Latchford E. W. Op. cit.


I n i t i a l

Zhizn prekrasna, zhizn trgichna... [Electronic resource] : 1917 god v pismakh А. V. Lunacharskogo А. А. Lunacharskoj / exec. comp. L. Rogovaya ; comp. N. Antonova ; Open Society Institute. М., 2001. URL: (date of access 20.09.2010).

R e p e a t e d

Zhizn prekrasna...


I n i t i a l

Uralskaya semya narodov : krat. inform. sprav. о finno-ugor. i samod. narodakh [Electronic resource] / comp. P. Simpelev, O. Lapshina. Syktyvkar, 2008. 1 CD-ROM.

R e p e a t e d

Uralskaya semya narodov.


References to archive documents, for example:

Central State Archive of the Republic of Mordovia. F. R-40. Op. 1. D. 32. L. 12, 13, 15.

Russian State Military Archive. F. 157.Op. 3. C. 1042. L. 66, 121, 123; D. 1043. L. 141; D. 1124. L. 60.

Prokaev I. F. Predislovie k istorii Petrovskogo mordovskogo pedagogicheskogo tekhnikuma // NIIGN Scientific Archive. I579. L. 1 — 2, 13 — 15.


10. Information about the authors:

should be typed with Times New Roman 12-pt font; should include full name of each author, academic degree, work position, name of institution, where the author works, and e-mail; should be submitted in Russian and in English.


11. When the manuscript is returned to the author for revision, it does not mean that the paper is accepted for publication. After resubmitting of the revised text, the manuscript is discussed by the editorial board again. The author must return both the revised text and the original copy of the manuscript, as well as responses to every remark. The date of acceptance is the date, when the editors receive the final variant of the manuscript. Authors bear all responsibility to resolve any copyright issues of third parties prior to the publication, including obtaining necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted work in their submissions.


12. All publications of the manuscripts are free of charge.