УДК 94(470) «18/19»:373.1



Original article


Features of the Organization of Educational Work in the Model Schools of the Astrakhan Gubernia in 1880 — 1917


Kulakova N. I., Chernik M. V.



Introduction. At the present stage of development of our state, there is an active search for new formats of educational activities. This makes it necessary to study and analyze the historical experience that has accumulated in the sphere of church institutions. Combining efforts in the educational work of church ministers and government institutions, according to the authorities, could provide invaluable experience, since it was spiritual education that could solve problems that were difficult to implement by secular authorities. Their implementation required a synthesis of advanced methodological ideas and educational capabilities of the Russian Orthodox Church. The ideas of developing practical skills among students of religious educational institutions, of course, had a positive impact on the quality of work of parochial schools in the Astrakhan gubernia.

Materials and methods. The basic material for the study is statistical data, reports and articles on the work of model schools in Astrakhan, posted on the pages of the official journal of the Astrakhan and Enotaev diocese — “Astrakhan Diocesan Gazette”, published from September 1875 to 1918. The main methods were comparative, retrospective and historical-statistical.

Results and discussion. Model schools of the Astrakhan gubernia in the 1880s — 1917s were not the subject of study. The following aspects have not been studied: the process of organizing the educational process of students of the Theological Seminary and the Diocesan Women’s Schools, methods of teaching and preparing for practical classes in model schools.

Conclusion. The educational activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Astrakhan in the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries were a reflection of the active work in this direction by the Theological Seminary, the Diocesan Women's School and model schools at these theological educational institutions. The activities of model schools were aimed not only at developing the pedagogical abilities of seminarians and students, but also at preparing children for studying in schools or gymnasiums. Practical classes for seminarians and students have become a new method of training future teachers.

Keywords: educational work, the Theological Seminary, the Diocesan Women’s School, exemplary school, model school

Acknowledgements: the publication is based on the report of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “II Spassky Readings in Honor of the Venerable Martyr Catherine of Simbirsk” (Ulyanovsk, Spassky Convent, February 17 — 18, 2023).

For citation: Kulakova NI, Chernik MV. Features of the Organization of Educational Work in the Model Schools of the Astrakhan Gubernia in 1880 — 1917. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(1):73—84. EDN ZEWVEG




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The article was submitted 19.07.2023; approved after reviewing 30.09.2023; accepted for publication 07.10.2023.


Information about the authors:

Natalia I. Kulakova, Associate Professor of Department of Russian History of Tatishchev Astrakhan State University (20а Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan 414056, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0363-2797, vol-na1986@yandex.ru

Maria V. Chernik, Associate Professor of Department of Russian History of Tatishchev Astrakhan State University (20а Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan 414056, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-7464-2355, chernik-max@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Kulakova N. I. — critical analysis and scientific editing of the text;

Chernik M. V. — concept development, methodology development, data collection and literature analysis, writing the initial version of the article.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.