УДК 336.6



Ways to Improve the Formation of the Efficiency of Financial Stability of Industrial Enterprises in the Region

Burlankov S. P., Petrenko M. Yu., Selivanov D. N., Selivanova A. N.



Introduction. In modern conditions of a difficult geopolitical situation and economic instability, there is a high level of uncertainty in the functioning of Russian enterprises of various forms of ownership. The inability of many of them to withstand the negative impact of external and internal factors, bankruptcy or balancing on the verge of bankruptcy lead to the need to form a new, more efficient, micro-level management system focused on the growth of equity capital while ensuring the target level of financial stability. This raises a significant scientific problem of finding other approaches to business improvement.

Materials and methods. We used system, process approaches, logical-structural analysis and synthesis, methods of detailing, generalization, grouping, comparison, forecasting, analogy, modeling, statistical and econometric methods of dependency analysis, graphical methods for visualizing research results, etc.

Results and discussion. In order to identify and justify ways to increase the efficiency of the formation of financial stability of an industrial enterprise in the region, a model of repayment of its credit obligations has been developed. An analytical expression for finding the minimum acceptable amount of income sufficient for their timely and complete implementation has been established. We have proposed an indicator of financial stability (flexibility) of the business structure; it is determined by comparing the actual value of these receipts, which can be used to repay loans, with their minimum acceptable value.

Conclusion. The article gives a new understanding of the potential for the formation of the efficiency of the financial stability of an industrial enterprise. The conclusion is made about the possibility of increasing the indicator of financial stability, which characterizes the potential for increasing the level of its monetary stability. The model of maximization of this level built by the authors (by forming the optimum of vectors with a certain organizational, economic or technical and technological solution) under the conditions of the integral value of the excess profit for each event and restrictions on the total volume of own and loan funds ensures the stability of the company's functioning. The grouping of general areas of capacity building increases financial stability, optimizes the volume of loan sources for the formation of its economic assets.

Keywords: industrial enterprise, potential, stability, stability management, financial stability, capacity building, financial and economic activity, credit obligations

For citation: Burlankov SP, Petrenko MYu, Selivanov DN, Selivanova AN. Ways to Improve the Formation of the Efficiency of Financial Stability of Industrial Enterprises in the Region. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2023;15(2):12—24. EDN GIFWAH




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The article was submitted 10.03.2023; approved after reviewing 10.04.2023; accepted for publication 14.04.2023.


Information about the authors:

Stepan P. Burlankov, Professor of Restaurant Business Department, the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (36 Stremyanny Lane, Moscow 117997, Russia), Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9326-9006, Researcher ID: O-3676-2015, Scopus ID: 57203011236, spbur1@mail.ru

Mikhail Yu. Petrenko, Postgraduate Student of the Division of Regional Studies and Ethnology, the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), petrenko12032@mail.ru

Dmitry N. Selivanov, Postgraduate Student of the Moscow University of Finance and Law (17/1 Serpukhovsky Val Str., Moscow 115191, Russia), sdn@bk.ru

Anzhelika N. Selivanova, Postgraduate Student of the Moscow University of Finance and Law (17/1 Serpukhovsky Val Str., Moscow 115191, Russia), lika-diplom@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Burlankov S. P. — concept development; scientific advising; development of methodology; task distribution for the preparation of the article; scientific text editing; preparation of the original version of the article;

Petrenko M. Yu. — data collection and literature analysis; critical analysis and text revision;

Selivanov D. N. — data collection and literature analysis;

Selivanova A. N. — data collection and literature analysis.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.