УДК 338.45.01



Analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations for maximizing the full effect of the regional CES on the basis of economic integration

Kudryashov V. S., Malevskia-Malevich E. D.



Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the effectiveness of circular economic models. The circular economy is a universal way of sustainable development, which allows, based on technical and technological progress and a continuous stream of innovations, to overcome not only economic and environmental problems, but also social stratification. A single circular economic system (CES) involves the inclusion in its elemental composition of many weakly affiliated entities that are focused on ensuring private commercial efficiency through the implementation of linear models. The aim of the work is to analyze the theoretical and methodological foundations for maximizing the full effect of the regional CES based on economic integration, in particular, the strategic advantages of enterprises, the emergence of which is due to the creation of clusters.

Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions of neoclassical and neoinstitutional economic theory; scientific principles of knowledge management and innovation; researches of scientists on the problems of innovative development of industrial economic systems of various levels. The methodological base of the study was predominantly qualitative methods, such as the method of analogies, implemented to justify the parameters used, as well as methods of content and expert analysis and synthesis, which provide a generalization of the results. The main methods of this study are the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization.

Results and discussion. The formation of the CES within the region through economic integration, in particular the cluster approach, can accelerate the transition of the Russian economy to sustainable development. Maximizing the full effect of the CES within the region will increase not only economic, but also social and environmental efficiency. Undoubtedly, the creation of an integrated CES of the region requires not only significant capital investments, but also the formation of a legislative framework, the synergy of public and private participation in the process will make it possible to obtain the maximum effect in the shortest possible time.

Conclusion. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the experience of applying the cluster concept in Russia and abroad, carried out in this article, several alternative options for its improvement were formulated. The program proposed in this article to increase the efficiency of the development of closed economic systems using the example of clusters will allow enterprises operating within the same region to obtain a number of strategic advantages, and the economy of the region as a whole will benefit from the circularity effect. The program proposed in this article, aimed at improving the efficiency of the development of CES using the example of clusters, it will allow enterprises operating within the same region to obtain a number of strategic advantages, and the economy of the region as a whole — the beneficial effect of circularity.

Keywords: circular economic system, economic integration, circular economy, clustering

Funding: The study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 23-28-00619 on the topic: Methodology for ensuring the efficiency of circular economic systems in the region (on the example of the North-West of Russia), https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-00619/

For citation: Kudryashov VS, Malevskia-Malevich ED. Analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations for maximizing the full effect of the regional CES on the basis of economic integration. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2023;15(3):12—24. EDN NCXUDB




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The article was submitted 14.06.2023; approved after reviewing 03.07.2023; accepted for publication 07.07.2023.


Information about the authors:

Vadim S. Kudryashov, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of the North-West Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (57/43 Sredny Prospekt, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg 199178, Russia), Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, kudryashov-vs@ranepa.ru

Ekaterina D. Malevskaia-Malevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of the North-West Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (57/43 Sredny Prospekt, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg 199178, Russia), Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0605-4969; Scopus ID: 57190946585, malevskaya-ed@ranepa.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Kudryashov V. S. — concept development, determination of the research methodology, formulation of conclusions;

Malevskaya-Malevich E. D. — writing a literature review, scientific editing.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final versi