УДК 902/904



Original article


Features of the Economic Development of the Tatar Village of Eastern Trans-Kama in the XIX — Beginning of the XX Centuries (Using the Example of the Village of Shingalchi)

Iskhakov R. R., Bagautdinova Kh. Z.



Introduction. For the Tatars of the Volga-Ural region, whose society until the beginning of the twentieth century. Was agricultural, and about 90 % of the population were farmers; the history of the villages is of particular importance. In fact, the past of an individual village is a personalized cross-section of the general history of the people, by studying which you can learn many previously unknown pages, get acquainted with facts “from the inside,” through the fates of individual people who lived in a particular era. In this publication, using the example of a separate settlement — the village of Shingalchi, an attempt is made to consider the features of the economic development of the Tatar rural population of the Menzelinsky district of the Orenburg / Ufa province in the XIX — early XX centuries.

Materials and methods. The work used methodological approaches tested in modern Russian historiography, allowing for a comprehensive examination and analysis of the social processes that took place in the Tatar village of Eastern Trans-Kama in the pre-revolutionary period. The source base for the study was archival materials from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan and the National Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as published statistical and records materials of the time.

Results and discussion. In the course of the study, the most important aspects of the socio-economic development of the Tatar village of Eastern Trans-Kama in the XIX — early XX centuries were analyzed and considered. Significant changes are noted that took place in the life of Tatar farmers in the post-reform period, associated with the transition from subsistence farming to commodity-money relations, as well as the increase in “land hunger”. An assessment is made of the role of non-agricultural activities in the life of the rural population of this region.

Conclusion. In the XIX — beginning of the XX centuries. The Tatar village of Eastern Trans-Kama region maintained the traditional nature of economic activity, adapting to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions. The basis of this model was reliance on agricultural production with the development of waste industries.

Keywords: Eastern Trans-Kama region, Tatar village, socio-economic development, Ufa province, village of Shingalchi

For citation: Iskhakov RR, Bagautdinova KhZ. Features of the Economic Development of the Tatar Village of Eastern Trans-Kama in the XIX — Beginning of the XX Centuries (Using the Example of the Village of Shingalchi). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(3):73—86. EDN SNSKPY




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2. Rodnov MI. The peasantry of the Ufa province at the beginning of the twentieth century (1900 — 1917): social structure, social relations. Ufa;2002. (In Russ.)

3. Tatar villages of Eastern Trans-Kama region. Kazan;2021. (In Russ.)

4. Khalikov NA. Economy of the Tatars of the Volga region and the Urals (mid-XIX — early XX cen­turies). Kazan;1995. (In Russ.)


The article was submitted 06.03.2024; approved after reviewing 27.03.2024; accepted for publication 03.04.2024.


Information about the authors:

Radik R. Iskhakov, Head of the Department of History of the Volga and Cis-Urals Regions Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7 Baturina Str., Kazan 420111, Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7303-408X, ishakovist@gmail.com

Khalida Z. Bagautdinova, Researcher of the Department of History of the Volga and Cis-Urals Regions, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7 Baturina Str., Kazan 420111, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-1809-8556, halida12_61@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Iskhakov R. R. — concept development, collecting materials and analyzing the literature, writing the original version of the article;

Bagautdinova Kh. Z. — concept development, collecting materials, scientific editing of the text.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.