УДК 94(470.34)



Original article


Industry Development in the Autonomous Republics of the Volga-Vyatsk Region during the Eighth Five Year Plan (1966 — 1970)


Asabin I. Yu.



Introduction. The study of regional aspects of the implementation of the Kosygin reform, which took place during the Eighth Five-Year Plan, is relevant for modern historical science, primarily due to the demand for the experience of this reform in the conditions of contemporary Russian modernization.

Materials and methods. In this work, documents from archival funds, published statistical data, as well as materials from periodicals were used. The article is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as on comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods. 

Results and discussion. The years of the Eighth Five-Year Plan became the time of implementation of the Kosygin reform, which significantly changed the principle of managing the development of Soviet industry. The profitability standard, which was defined as profit as a percentage of funds, was put forward as one of the main criteria in assessing the performance of an enterprise. The higher the level of profitability achieved, the more money the company could transfer to its funds and dispose of it at its own discretion. In practice, as shown by regional material from the republics of the Volga-Vyatka region — the Mari, Mordovian and Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics, there was a gradual equalization of the industrial development of the center and periphery of the country during the implementation of the reform. The regions under study provide an eloquent example of this process: due to ongoing reforms and generous financial assistance from the union and federal centers, the industrial potential of the republics has reached its full potential. However, the same regional material indicates that in order to ensure stable operation, flexibility and maneuverability of production, its openness to the latest innovations in science and technology, it is important to have a certain reserve capacity for each enterprise. The adopted bonus system aimed at full utilization of production equipment, even the slightest failure to fulfill the intense plan reduced earnings.

Conclusion. An analysis of regional material showed that despite significant achievements in the field of technical modernization and improving the well-being of the population, the process of intensification of industrial production was complicated by elements of crisis phenomena in the economy, the roots of which lay in the extensive path of development.

Keywords: industry, the Kosygin reform, knowledge-intensive industries, the Mari ASSR, the Mordovian ASSR, the Chuvash ASSR, the Eighth Five-Year Plan

For citation: Asabin IYu. Industry Development in the Autonomous Republics of the Volga-Vyatsk Region during the Eighth Five Year Plan (1966 — 1970). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(1):156—167. EDN FTXMUQ




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The article was submitted 19.10.2023; approved after reviewing 02.12.2023; accepted for publication 09.12.2023.


Information about the author:

Igor Yu. Asabin, Doctoral Student of Department of History of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7102-1111, asabin_saransk@mail.ru


Conflict of interest: the author declares no conflict of interest.


The author read and approved the final version of the manuscript.