УДК 82-94



Original article


Structural and Substantive Originality of V. I. Deminʼs Creative Heritage

Levin N. V., Antonova V. I., Mamaeva Yu. A.



Introduction. The role and importance of the works of Doctor of Philology, Professor V. I. Demin in the scientific and literary activities of Mordovia cannot be overestimated due to the breadth of the problems covered by him, the variety of forms and methods of research. The article provides a problem-thematic, structural and substantive analysis of the work of an outstanding scientist and writer.

Materials and methods. In the course of the work, both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, typology) and literary research methods (socio-cultural, cultural-historical, descriptive, comparative-historical, biographical, holistic analysis of the work) were involved. The article is based on the analysis of the monograph “Erzyan journalism eryamopingese” (“History of Erzyan journalism”), as well as literary articles by the scientist published in the national publication “Syatko” (“Iskra”).

Results and discussion. V. I. Demin wrote in various genre forms of literary and artistic and journalistic criticism. These are, first of all, books on the history of the development of Mordovian literature and journalism, articles on national problems, reviews, literary portraits and reviews, retellings, literary letters, literary and critical dialogues, etc., as well as artistic and journalistic research in the forms of essays  and sketches.

Conclusion. Numerous works by V. I. Demin, characterized by polyphony of themes and problems, testify to the multifaceted, all-encompassing talent of the author as a writer, critic and journalist. The scientistʼs ability to synthesize elements of various genre forms in one work, to use both “pure” genres and their modification variants, is of interest. The transformation of genre “alloys” is observed in the creative laboratory of V. I. Demin using the methods of eclecticism and connotativity, hybridity and synthesis.

Keywords: V. I. Demin, erzya, history, journalism, literature, genre, method, essay, review, national problems, creativity, modifications, self-awareness

For citation: Levin NV, Antonova VI, Mamaeva YuA. Structural and Substantive Originality of V. I. Deminʼs Creative Heritage. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(4):201—212. EDN YKCPLB




1. Antonova VI. Regional press in the system of Russian journalism: typology and genre formation. Saransk;2006.

2. Demin VI. Erzyan journalism eryamopingese. Saransk;2013.

3. Levin NV, Antonova VI. The Creative Individuality of V. I. Demin in the Socio-cultural Paradigm of the Modern National Vopcabulary of Mordovia. Kazanskaya Nauka. 2024;10:199—202.

4. Naldeeva OI. Genre system of poetry of Mordovia: genesis, evolution, poetics. Saransk;2012.

5. Naldeeva OI. Modern Mordovian Poetry: Main Trends and Artistic Guidelines. Saransk;2013.


The article was submitted 11.10.2024; approved after reviewing 30.10.2024; accepted for publication 06.11.2024.


Information about the authors:

Nikolay V. Levin, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Journalism of Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, 430005, Russia), levin.kolya19971997@mail.ru

 Vera I. Antonova, Professor of the Department of Journalism of Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, 430005, Russia), belkich@rambler.ru

Yulia A. Mamaeva, Undergraduate Student of the Department of Journalism of Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, 430005, Russia), mamaevaa24@gmail.com


Contribution of the authors:

Levin N. V. — concept development, data collection and literature analysis, writing the initial version of the article;

Mamaeva Yu. A. — concept development, literature analysis;

Antonova V. I. — critical analysis, scientific text editing.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.