УДК 658.152



Original article


Assessment of the Role of Fixed Capital in the Formation of the National Wealth of the Russian Federation

Parinova O. V., Gradusova V. N.



Introduction. The purpose of the scientific research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to assess the state and development of the fixed capital of the Russian economy. The relevance of research in this area lies in the fact that fixed capital is one of the types of assets that make up the national wealth of a country. In addition, fixed capital, being used in the production process, participates in the establishing of all other types of assets, as well as new elements of fixed capital.

Materials and methods. The sources of information for the research were scientific publications on the disclosed topic, as well as data from state statistics. Methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, and logical techniques were used to prepare the literature review. The analysis of statistical data was carried out using methods of economic and statistical analysis.

Results and discussion. The results of the study and their discussion. The fixed capital of the Russian economy increased by 45 % in 2018 — 2022. However, its role in shaping Russia’s national wealth and strengthening its economic security has noticeably weakened, as evidenced by a decrease in the share of fixed capital in the structure of economic assets, which, minus liabilities, form the national wealth of the state. The high degree of depreciation of fixed assets, which make up most of the fixed capital, does not allow increasing production volumes, including all types of assets that make up the national wealth of Russia.

Conclusion. An increase in the investment activity of economic entities would contribute not only to an increase in the cost of fixed capital (and therefore an increase in the value of economic assets and the value of national wealth), but also to the creation of conditions for productivity growth, which, judging by the indicator of the production of the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation per employee, remains very low.

Keywords: system of national accounts, produced assets, values, fixed capital, fixed assets of organizations, type structure of fixed assets, depreciation of fixed assets, renewal of fixed assets, investment activity of business entities

For citation: Parinova OV, Gradusova VN. Assessment of the Role of Fixed Capital in the Formation of the National Wealth of the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2024;16(3):26—37. EDN RGGYVO




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The article was submitted 27.06.2024; approved after reviewing 22.07.2024; accepted for publication 26.07.2024.


Information about the authors:

Olga V. Parinova, Head of the Educational Department of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, North-Western Institute of Management — Branch of RANEPA (57/43 Sredny Prospect VO, St. Petersburg 199178, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4655-7604, parinova-ov@ranepa.ru

Valentina N. Gradusova, associate professor of Department of Management, North-Western Institute of Management — Branch of RANEPA (57/43 Sredny Prospect VO, St. Petersburg 199178, Russia), Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0829-4555, gradusova-vn@ranepa.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Parinova O. V. — preparation of a literature review, collection and processing of statistical data;

Gradusova V. N. — interpretation of research results, conclusions formulation.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have and approved the final version of the manuscript.